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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

I come from a Pilates teacher back ground. I always need to work a flexible schedule no matter what I do. Flexibility isn't enough when you have a family of 4 and a strong travel bug!! I also needed a  business to fit my flexible schedule. This business is exactly that. So we decided to take our family with the business on a 3 month trip to Australia and South East Asia. I have to pinch myself that this is my reality now. A business that is truly flexible!!

Kristine Bene

"From the moment I got started here I've been provided with so much training and support. Being among a community of like minded people has tremendously assisted me in creating shifts in so many areas of my life. And as a new mom I feel blessed that I get to run a successful business on a flexible and part time schedule".

Lise Reitsma

(719) 900-4947


Opportunity for Big Thinkers! 

Copyright © 2024 samayeni.
All rights reserved and other such important stuff.

Sam Ayeni

Hello, I’m Sam. Running a business in Personal Development is not just a profession for me, it’s my passion. Living in the serene beauty of Colorado Springs, CO, with my loved ones, we're surrounded by the majestic Pikes Peak mountains, a perpetual reminder of the endless opportunities this world presents.

This business affords us the freedom to choose where we reside, to embark on adventures, and to explore the wonders of the world. Growing up as a missionary kid in Africa instilled in me a love for travel that I carry into adulthood. Life's too short to be confined to one place—it's meant to be experienced in its vastness and beauty.

I'm deeply committed to helping motivated individuals, like you, who yearn for the same freedom and flexibility in their lives. Whether rooted in one place or traversing the globe, our shared goal is to craft an extraordinary life filled with abundant choices. 
 The human experience we all have is to be enjoyed, not struggle. Everyone in our organization is opportune to design and live life on our terms according to divine plan.

"Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them."                                                                                             — Madam C.J. Walker

This is my family - my wife and 2 children

This shot was taken in Roatan, Honduras on a recent cruise through the Western Carrebean. We love cruising. It's super kid friendly and you get to see many different areas in a relaxing vibe. 

This shot was taken in Pueto Plata, DR on a recent vacation. As a family, we all enjoy traveling and having fun multiple times a year 

Having lunch with family at the CN Towers 360 degree high revolving restaurant in downtown Toronto, Canada. While eating, we got to enjoy the panoramic 360 view of the city and lake Ontario.

In Napoleon Hill's book, "Think and Grow Rich," he posits that “an educated [person] is one who has so developed the faculties of [their] mind that [they] may acquire anything [they] want, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others”. Despite my diverse experiences as a soldier, pastor, IT Auditor, and financial service business owner, I found myself unfulfilled in my pursuit of happiness and financial freedom to live life on my terms – which is what I desire. While each role had its merits, none provided the holistic fulfillment I sought.

Serving in the US Army was both fulfilling and challenging, affording me unique experiences such as deployments to the Horns of Panjwei in Afghanistan and living in remote places like Fairbanks, Alaska. However, I knew this path wasn't my lifelong calling. Similarly, my tenure as a pastor left me with cognitive dissonance, as I struggled with the notion of soliciting tithes and offerings from congregants in the name of spirituality. I just couldn't do it. 
Transitioning into the corporate world as an IT Audit Director offered the promise of financial stability, but it came at the expense of work-life balance. As I sat in boardrooms, often the sole person of color and with an African accent, I grappled with the relentless demands of the job. Despite the allure of the six figure salary I was earning, the incessant grind left little room for personal growth or fulfillment beyond work obligations. Even as a business owner in the financial services sector, I felt ensnared in a perpetual cycle of client pursuit and agent management, leading to a profound sense of disconnection and discord within myself.

Amidst this turmoil, I yearned for a better way—a path that aligned with my values of helping others, achieving financial success, and reclaiming personal freedom. After much searching, I discovered a business opportunity that offered just that.
Now, I dictate my schedule and work environment, with the freedom to select who I choose to work with. No longer do I chase after clients or bend to the whims of the business; instead, I prioritize fulfillment and personal growth.

I am immensely grateful to have found this path to freedom and fulfillment, and I am eager to extend this opportunity to others who are ready to embark on a similar journey. If you're prepared to harness the power of your mind to achieve your goals, I invite you to take the next step. Fill out the form above, and I'll be in touch to schedule a conversation about how you can be helped to fulfill and achieve all your dreams and aspirations.  

 -Sam Ayeni

“We’ve been with this opportunity for over 18 years. Financially it’s been awesome but even more importantly we’ve found our purpose to offer anyone the opportunity to totally change their lives as it did for us.” Arni & Michael USA

"I have been studying Personal & Professional Development for over 40 years & I can honestly say the products & events here are right up there with the best of the best.
On the business side the income opportunity is extraordinary & the training from business leaders who have "been there, done that" is remarkable. I'm grateful I got started here almost 10 years ago" - Stephen Kosmyna, Florida, USA

Michael & Arni Berry

Stephen Kosmyna